School and Sports Vision

As part of our commitment to care, we specialise in Schoolvision and Sportvision, two new methods to improve vision.  As one of the earliest adopters of these techniques, we believe we can offer a unique service to help our patients reach their full visual potential.


It has been shown that children with visual problems, including those associated with dyslexia, can suffer at school; we seek to address this using a method called Schoolvision.   During a Schoolvision assessment, we will discuss with the patient any eye issues at school and perform a thorough eye examination.  This includes tests for:

  • Eye muscle balance
  • Determining which is the dominant eye
  • Reading clarity
  • Reading speed
  • Eye alignment whilst reading
  • Light sensitivity and colour preference

The correct eye wear can have an enormous impact on a child’s ability and confidence in the classroom.  Schoolvision is available to anyone that has vision-related learning difficulties, from children to adults.


As one of only a few optician’s in the country that specialises in Sportvision, we can help both amateur and professional players of all sports with their performance.

Sportvision studies the effect and importance of vision during sport.  We study eye dominance and the primary occupational visual skills of aiming and anticipation to help our patients see well and improve their sports performance.

Wearing specialist frames and lenses can make an incredible difference, from improving depth perception to giving full UV protection for outdoor sportsmen.

Some common sports where we have already assisted include:

  • Golf
  • Climbing
  • Archery
  • Shooting
  • Cycling

Please give us a call or pay us a visit if you would like to find out more about either of these specialisms.